Dr. Malek Mouhoub
Dr. Malek Mouhoub is a professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Regina, specializing in reasoning and constraint satisfaction. He currently holds the SaskPower Chair in AI, working on creating energy-efficient smart home technologies. He is also collaborating with Precision.ai on a research initiative to create a new multi-robot planning system for weed management in field crops, a realization that is expected to dramatically reduce the need for herbicides in Canadian agriculture. These are just two examples of the significant positive social impact that professor Mouhoub’s research has on our society.
Malek Mouhoub has been an active member of CAIAC since the year 2000. He was notably treasurer of our association for three terms from 2009 to 2015 and program co-chair of the 30th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence in 2017. During his more than 20 years with us, Dr. Mouhoub has participated in multiple initiatives, including notably creating the CAIAC Best Master’s Thesis award and the Best PhD Dissertation award, and creating the CAIAC Fellows title. He was also central in less visible but equally important initiatives, such as updating CAIAC’s mission statement and our procedures and responsibilities documents, which insure our association’s continuity and vitality.
In recognition of Malek Mouhoub’s contributions to the Canadian AI scene, CAIAC is delighted to award him the 2022 Distinguished Service Award.