Master's theses and Doctoral dissertations
The following are the Master's theses and Doctoral dissertations submitted to CAIAC for best master's thesis and doctoral dissertations awards.
- 2015 Active Learning for One-Class Classification Master's thesis University of Ottawa
- 2015 Group Decision Making with Partial Preferences Doctoral dissertation University of Toronto
- 2015 Message Passing and Combinatorial Optimization Doctoral dissertation University of Alberta
- 2015 A Markov Game Model for Valuing Player Actions in Ice Hockey Master's thesis Simon Fraser University
- 2014 Data Mining avec Weka Master's thesis Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal
- 2014 Compressed Predictive State Representation: An Efficient Moment-Method for Sequence Prediction and Sequential Decision-Making Master's thesis McGill University
- 2014 Topical Structure in Long Informal Documents Doctoral dissertation University of Ottawa
- 2014 Regularized Reinforcement Learning with Performance Guarantees Doctoral dissertation McGill University
- 2014 Exploiting Relevance to Improve Robustness and Flexibility in Plan Generation and Execution Doctoral dissertation University of Toronto
- 2014 Fast Gradient Algorithms for Structured Sparsity Doctoral dissertation University of Alberta