Master's theses and Doctoral dissertations
The following are the Master's theses and Doctoral dissertations submitted to CAIAC for best master's thesis and doctoral dissertations awards.
- 2016 Controlling complexity by sharing parameters and minimizing variation Doctoral dissertation McGill University
- 2016 On Reinforcement Learning for Deep Neural Architectures : Conditional computation with stochastic computation policies Master's thesis McGill University
- 2016 Social Choice for Partial Preferences Using Imputation Doctoral dissertation University of Waterloo
- 2016 Automatic Text and Speech Processing for the Detection of Dementia Doctoral dissertation University of Toronto
- 2016 Coreference Resolution with and for Wikipedia Master's thesis Université de Montréal
- 2016 Deep Learning for Predicting Human Strategic Behavior Master's thesis University of British Columbia
- 2016 Evaluation of User Perceived QoE in Mobile Systems Using Social Media Analytics Master's thesis Florida Institute of Technology
- 2016 Modeling Human Behavior in Strategic Settings Doctoral dissertation University of British Columbia
- 2016 Online Learning under Partial Feedback Master's thesis University of Alberta
- 2016 Automatic Assessment of Information Content in Speech for Detection of Dementia of the Alzheimer Type Master's thesis University of Toronto