Distinguished Service Award

Each year, the CAIAC Distinguished Service Award honours a researcher who has distinguished themselves through outstanding service to the Canadian Artificial Intelligence community during the course of their career. 

Prix présenté à une personne afin de reconnaître son service remarquable offert aux membres de CAIAC et à la communauté canadienne de l’IA.

This year's awardee is Dr. Cory Butz, Computer Science, University of Regina


To nominate someone:

  1. Fill out of form available below (you can use any format templates given below or send equivalent information in your email)
  2. Ask your nominee if they are willing to be nominated and if so, to send you their his/her CV
  3. Forward the form and CV to secretary@caiac.ca  by  March 24, 2024 by 11:59pm (AOE). (Time-zone AOE - Anywhere on Earth : UTC-12)

The CAIAC secretary will forward these nominations to the Awards Committee members. Award winners will be notified by mid-April so they can have the opportunity to attend the conference in person to accept their award, if possible. The winners will be announced on social media and online before the conference and will be given their award at the banquet during the upcoming Canadian AI Conference being held May 27-31 at the University of Guelph.

Previous Winners

  • 2023: Xin Wang, University of Calgary (Biography)
  • 2022: Malek Mouhoub, University of Regina (Biography)
  • 2021: Nathalie Japkowicz, American University (Biography)
  • 2020: Marina Sokolova, Dalhousie University and University of Ottawa (Biography)
  • 2019: Peter van Beek, University of Waterloo (Biography)
  • 2019: Vlado Keselj, Dalhousie University (Biography)
  • 2017: Fred Popowich, Simon Fraser University (Biography)
  • 2016: Daniel (Danny) Silver, Acadia University (Biography)
  • 2012: Bob Mercer, University of Western Ontario (Biography)
  • 2010: Stan Matwin, University of Ottawa (Biography)
  • 2009: Howard Hamilton, University of Regina (Biography)
  • 2008: Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto (Biography)
  • 2000: Gord McCalla, University of Saskatchewan (Biography (2018))
  • 1996: Nick Cercone, York University
  • 1994: Alan Mackworth, University of British Columbia
  • 1992: John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto