Please register on Eventbrite’s website by clicking on the button below.
CAIAC members enjoy a rebate on the ticket price. If you are not already a member, you can join CAIAC here. If you are already a member, please check that you membership is still active by logging in here and checking your status here.
⚠️ Travel funds for students
We are happy to inform you that CAIAC and the NRC will provide travel funds for selected students at both the Canadian AI conference and GSS.
We require all students to be enrolled at Canadian universities and register for the Canadian AI 2019 conference. The student can only receive the travel fund for either GSS or Canadian AI -- not both. As for the GSS, the student supervisor needs to agree the student to give the presentation at GSS. We would like to support as many students as we can given the limited funding.
If you are a student who would like to be considered for support, please send the following to Drs Marie-Jean Meurs and Frank Rudzicz:
- Your name (especially as it should appear on the potential cheque)
- Your program of study (degree and Department)
- Your University
- The paper you will be presenting
- 1-3 sentences regarding the need for funding
- 1-3 sentences regarding your future plans for engagement with the AI community at large.