Welcome to Canadian AI 2019!
The 32nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence took place in Kingston, Ontario at Queen’s University, May 28 to May 31, 2019.
The best paper award went to Frédéric Piedboeuf, Philippe Langlais, and Ludovic Bourg for their paper Personality Extraction Through LinkedIn.
The best student paper award went to Mahtab Ahmed and Robert Mercer for their paper Efficient Transformer-based Sentence Encoding for Sentence Pair Modelling.
The event is collocated with the Canadian Graphics Interface and the Computer and Robot Vision conferences. These events (AI·GI·CRV 2019) bring together hundreds of leaders in research, industry, and government, as well as Canada's most accomplished students. They showcase Canada's ingenuity, innovation and leadership in intelligent systems and advanced information and communications technology. A single registration lets you attend any session in the three conferences, which are scheduled in parallel tracks.
In the news
Thank you to everyone who participated and see you next year in Ottawa!
The program and proceedings are now available.
The proceedings appeared in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Springer graciously offers a free download of the proceedings, between 22 May and 22 June 2019, by following this link.