All posters held in ACE hallway (NOT CIBC hall)
Poster Number | Paper Title | Authors |
1 | Drug-Target Interaction Network Predictions for Drug Repurposing Using LASSO-based Regularized Linear Classification Model | You, Islam, Grenier, Kuang, McLeod, Hu |
2 | Optimal Scheduling for Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles using Dynamic Programming | López, Gagné |
3 | Combining MCTS and A3C for Prediction of Spatially Spreading Processes in Forest Wildfire Settings | Ganapathi Subramanian, Crowley |
4 | Topic detection and document similarity on financial news | Asadi Kakhki, Kavaklioglu, Bener |
5 | N-gram Based Approach for Automatic Prediction of Essay Rubric Marks | Jankowska, Conrad, Harris, Keselj |
6 | Matching Resumes to Job Descriptions with Stacked Models | Xu, Barbosa |
7 | Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation of Recommenders: A Cognition-based Approach | Slaity, Tran |
8 | Text-based detection of unauthorized users of social media accounts | King, Alhadidi, Cook |
9 | A Sentence-level Sparse Gamma Topic Model for Sentiment Analysis | Chen, Parsons |
10 | An AI Planning-Based Approach to the Multi-Agent Plan Recognition Problem | Shvo, Sohrabi, McIlraith |
11 | Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems using Firefly Algorithms | Bidar, Mouhoub, Bidar, Sadaoui |
12 | Constrained Bayesian Optimization for Problems with Piece-wise Smooth Constraints | Gorji Daronkolaei, Hajian, Custis |
13 | MML-Based Approach for Determining the Number of Topics in EDCM Mixture Models | Zamzami, Bouguila |
14 | Dimensionality Reduction and Visualization by Doubly Kernelized Unit Ball Embedding | Haji Soleimani, Matwin |
15 | Accelerated Gradient and Block-wise Gradient Methods for Big Data Factorization | Peyghami, Yang, Chen, Yang, Ataei |
16 | Learning Belief Revision Operators | Hunter |
17 | Predicting Transportation Modes of GPS Trajectories using Feature Engineering and Noise Removal | Etemad, Soares Junior, Matwin |
18 | Prediction of Container Damage Insurance Claims for Optimized Maritime Port Operations | Panchapakesan, Abielmona, Falcon, Petriu |